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What is a station-master?

What is a station-master?


He has no rest either by day or by night. Travellers vent upon him all the annoyance accumulated during their tedious journey: the weather is unbearable, the roads are bad, the driver is obstinate, the horses don't go - and it is all the station-master's fault. Coming into his poor dwelling, the traveller looks upon him as an enemy.

in The Station-Master de Alexander Pushkin


Who has not cursed the superintedents of posting stations?

Who has not cursed the superintedents of posting stations?

Who has not quarrelled with them?

Who in a moment of anger has not demanded from them the fatal book to write in it his useless complaint of injustice, rudeness, and inefficiency?

Who does not regard them as human monsters, as bad as the attorneys of the old days or at any rate as the Murom highwaymen?

Let us be just, however, let us try to consider their position, and perhaps we shall feel more kindly towards them.

in The Station-Master de Alexander Pushkin


Com um punhado de versos de Pushkin


Sabem aquela linha ténue, quase proibida, de que vos falei?

Atravessei-a com coragem e sem medo. Sem medo e sem culpa, com um punhado de versos de Pushkin.

Querendo descobrir o que se esconde por detrás das palavras que escreve, de onde vêm elas, como as escreve, roubei o direito proibido de extrapolar os versos do poeta para o seu dia-a-dia de escrita.

Se nestes versos Pushkin não escreve sobre o seu processo de escrita, quero fingir que sim:

And I forget the world, in blissful peace

I am sweetly lulled by my imagination,

and poetry awakens in me then;

my soul, hard pressed by lyric agitation,

trembles, resounds and seeks as if in sleep

to surface finally in free expression - 

and I receive a host of guests unseen,

old-time acquaintances, fruits of my dreams,

and in my head thoughts spring into existence,

and rhymes dance out to meet them, and the hand

stretches towards the pen, the pen to paper,

and unimpeded verse comes pouring out.

So a ship, motionless in motionless water,

lies dreaming, then suddenly the sailors, the vessel

moves slowly out, bow cutting through billows,

and sails away. Where shall we sail to...?


Exegi Monumentum

I have built, though not in stone, a monument to myself;

the pathe that leads to it will not be overgrown;

indomitably, the summit of my monument rises

higher than Alexandre's Column.


Not all of me shall die - for in my sacred lyre

my soul shall outlive my dust, it shall escape decay - 

in the sublunary world my fame shall be un rending

as long as a single poet holds sway.


And word of me shall spread through all the Russian lands,

my name shall be pronounced in all its living tongues,

by proud Slav race and Finn, by Kalmyk on the steppe,

and by the far-flung tribe of Tungus.


Long will there be a place for me in people's hearts,

because in my harsh age I sang of Liberty,

because my lyre awoke warm-hearted sentiments

and asked, for the fallen, Charity.

Excerpt from Exegi Monumentum

Alexander Pushkin

Robert Chandler (1837)

in Chapter III - Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)

The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry - edited by Robert Chandler,

Boris Dralyuk and Irina Mashinsk


Aleksandr Pushkin | O Negro de Pedro o Grande

Apesar de inacabada esta história tem um valor incalculável, não só pelo retrato histórico da sociedade russa, mas também pelo seu carácter biográfico.

Belinsky, um dos mais influentes críticos literários, comentou que:

Se este romance tivesse sido concluído, teríamos um romance histórico supremo, retratando as maneiras e os costumes da maior época da história russa.

Inacabada por motivos desconhecidos

CONVERSATORIO_RUSSIA.pngJá tinha referido anteriormente que Peter the Great's Negro é a história baseada na vida do trisavô de Pushkin.

Pedro I é a personagem principal e todas as personagens da história giram em torno dele e dos últimos dias do seu reinado.

Reza a história real que Pedro, o Grande, estaria em Londres, na corte inglesa, em negociações diplomáticas quando se encantou por um menino africano que vivia no palácio de Jaime II que insistiu em adoptar. Mas há muitas outras versões de como o czar acabou por apadrinhar um menino negro.

Seja qual for a verdadeira história, Pushkin escreveu-a com um colorido histórico excepcional, descrevendo ao pormenor a sociedade russa, levando-nos numa viagem no tempo.

Infelizmente permaneceu inacabada por motivos desconhecidos, o que tem gerado muitas teorias controversas. Uma delas é que Pushkin terá parado de escrever, porque não queria descrever os tempos em que o seu antepassado caíra em desgraça, depois da morte do czar.

Segundo um amigo de Pushkin - A. Wulf - a narrativa já estaria planeada:

A infidelidade sexual da esposa do mouro, que dá à luz uma criança branca e é punida, sendo banida para um convento.


He is the son of the Negro Sultan

- To marry my granddaughter to a bought negro slave?

- He is not a commoner. - Gavril Afanasyevitch said. - He is the son of the Negro Sultan. Infidels took him prisoner and sold him in Constantinople, and our ambassador rescued him and gave him to the Tsar.

in Peter the Great's Negro de Alexander Pushkin

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