As aventuras e desventuras da paternidade podem ser mais divertidas do que dramáticas.
Tudo depende da perspectiva.
E este livro é uma delas.
O receituário para diminuir o nível de pânico e ansiedade de todos os pais e mães.
Parental worry has no expiration date.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy
I realized that true immortality comes only from starting a family.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy
Fatherhood is like Wikipedia, some parts based in fact, others just made up along the way.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy
Times change, people change.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy
As dads we try not to show when we're scared or worried, but truth be told, the most frightening times are when we have no control over what's happening.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy
Terrorism is always easier to talk about when it affects other people, not a blood relative.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy
My own parish priest tells me that a coincidence is God's way of working anonymously.
Tales from the Dad Side-Steve Doocy